Friday, February 12, 2016

Rainbow Snippet (for 2/13-2/14) from Behind the Velvet Curtain, The Creeper, Part 2.

(There is a creepy man at Matt's shows who always brings little brown paper bags that he eats out of during his shows.  The crumpled brown paper bags have become a sign of him being there, and Matt has now finds them in his dressing room at the Strip club.)

As I turned around the last stack of boxes, just in front of the closet, there were three more bags crumpled up on the floor. I froze in my tracks. Oh my God, I thought, it is him. He has been hiding in there, spying on the dancers. Probably watching them from back here and jacking off. The thought of it made me cringe. And worse yet, he’s probably in there right now and is watching me.

From my recently published erotic gay thriller novella eBook BEHIND THE VELVET CURTAIN.
Behind the Velvet Curtain Amazon link 

Facebook-Rainbow Snippets


  1. I think I'd be out of there and calling security... Nicely chilling.

  2. That is definitely creepy.

  3. Definitely creepy. I, too, would be running the other way as fast as I could. So many needless deaths in horror movies and books would have been avoided if the characters only showed some common sense and less curiousity. Of course, then we would have so many less good horror books and movies so I guess I should be thankful so many people don'. I hope Matt will be okay

  4. Definitely time to get out of there and come back with some very large back up :)
